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 阿岳 的日記本
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篇名: True story
作者: 阿岳 日期: 2015.05.08  天氣:  心情:
The journey of Cebu ,on Jan 4
This was my first time to go abroad by myself,
everything was my first time,I had no idea what should I do .
When I arrived in Manila ,I knew that I needed to check in again,but I didn t know how to do
Then I asked for the guard,where should I go to check in?
The guard was very nice ,she told me "Go upstair and then go around there,you will see it"
Because I had a poor listening, she told me again......
Finally,I found it ,and then I took off my heavy clothes,because I realized that I was in Philippines now,
the weather was different from Taiwan,it was hot and changeable.
I arrived in Cebu on Jan 4,about 7am.
There was a man who would took me to language shool(CPILS),
I still can t image that he is the same age as me,and he can speak English fluently,because he studied in the .....(I forgot,and I don t know his name.......Forgive me please,I have a poor memory)
Everything was new to me ,I was interested in everything(maybe)...
First ,the man introduced the environment of CPILS,where can use wifi,where can watch moive ,where can do laundry ,where can sleep ....etc
Then I met my roommate who is a Korean,his English name is Sam,first of all ,I thought he must be tired,
so we didn t talk a lot,but he is a nice roommate.
The next day ,I needed to adapt the new environment,so we didn t have any classes this day,all we needed to do just relax ,and to buy something we needed with batchmates (who are they.....OMG.....Shun and Ai and Aki ,and Sam.......anything else? what a terrible memory....haha)
Everything was different from I thought ,e.g. I am not a talktive person ,maybe I will have only 5 or 6 friends there,in fact ,I have more than that;I will have 4 or 5 teachers in my class,in fact, I have more than that .
I was impressed that I met a lot of friends and teachers ,one of my teachers ,she always made me laugh even though I don t know what happened,but I couldn t contact her now........Glady..........OMG........you are like my sister....kkk
We celebrated Aki s birthday,it has been a long time I didn t celebrate someone s birthday ,so it was an unforgettable memory for me........by the way, she s from 北海道,and single
The island where I ve been there twice is called Island hopping,first time, it was a terrible memory because of the weather was not good,the wave was too strong to swim,and I am not good at swim.......
The second time ,the weather was great,and I realized that if you want to take some nice picture,the weather must be great; I must thank Lily and Tina for inviting me to there a....gain ,thank you so much (but why doesn t Lily have FB.....I cannot contact her......)
I can t remember the exact date when we went out for dinner together,YuRi and Hungry.....(they are a perfect couple,and they are so kind to me )
Something happened in one day,my roommate and Shun suddenly asked me for going out together,but I had no idea what we were doing .....OMG ,drank beer......I never drank in my life even if my friend s wedding ,but it was a good memory,did you remember what did we do after that........swimming...it was so exciting......
On Valentine s day,I saw a teacher singing a song in the lobby,she is a good singer(but I don t know about her until I found her Fb) what an amazing teacher!!!

Anything else???? haha................................................................................to be continued

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