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 沂庭鋼琴夢想家 的日記本
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篇名: Acupuncture
作者: 沂庭鋼琴夢想家 日期: 2013.03.27  天氣:  心情:

For thousands of years, what we now think of as Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) was the only medicine; now, traditional cures are being treated with a fresh respect. For BBC TWO, scientist Professor Kathy Sykes from Bristol University Kathy Sykes investigates why science is starting to respond to these centuries-old remedies....

Part 1: Alternative Medicine: The Evidence on Acupuncture
Kathy begins her journey in China where she sees some incredible demonstrations of acupuncture. The most astonishing is a scene in a Chinese hospital in which doctors perform open heart surgery on a young woman - using a combination of acupuncture and conventional pain relief instead of a general anaesthetic. In China, she discovers, acupuncture is used alongside western medicine and, at times, as a replacement.

So, what does western science make of these claims? Kathy meets the key scientists, both in the UK and in the US, who have put them to the test. She discovers that - although for most conditions and illnesses acupuncture cannot be shown to work - scientists have, intriguingly, uncovered a number of conditions relating to chronic pain in which they can be fairly certain acupuncture is having a powerful effect.

Kathy recruits a team of top scientists and alternative practitioners to find out if acupuncture might be having an effect. Over several months they devise an experiment which they hope will find the answer and finally uncover the secrets of acupuncture. Kathy and her team scan the brains of volunteers undergoing acupuncture. The conclusions challenge current understandings of the workings of the brain and throws new light on this ancient practice.
瀏覽次數:436    人氣指數:4016    累積鼓勵:179
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時間:2013-04-01 01:31
他, 53歲,桃園市,製造/供應商
時間:2013-04-01 00:37
他, 43歲,新竹縣,製造/供應商
作者回覆說[2013-04-01 23:25]:


時間:2013-03-30 01:16
他, 43歲,新竹縣,製造/供應商
作者回覆說[2013-03-31 22:44]:


時間:2013-03-27 04:14
他, 59歲,桃園市,教育研究
