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 沂庭鋼琴夢想家 的日記本
雷諾瓦畫展 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 my goal
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: exam
作者: 沂庭鋼琴夢想家 日期: 2013.04.19  天氣:  心情:
after they finish the exam,students were behaving well today.
i also felt more relaxed.
but i have to do many things ,including connect parents and discuss why their children get the point.
the most important thing is that carnival in our kindergarten will coming.
we have to prepare all the events.
how to design a interesting game and how to dress......so many things.
we also have to deliver DM along every streets around our school.
before doing that, we have to clip DM and present together by hands.
i hope i can get raise of 5000 dollars,although it is impossible.
in fact,even the salary increases 5000 dollars, i don t want to stay here anymore.
the last 104 days~


Today, after students finished their exams, they behaved well.
I felt much more relaxed as well.
However, I had many other things pending, including contacting the parents to discuss the reasons behind their child’s grade.
In addition, the annual kindergarten charity carnival is coming.
We have to plan all the events now.
These include the design of interesting games for participants, dresses for the occasion, and many others.
We also have to post (?) DMs along every street surrounding our school.
Before doing that, we have to clip DMs and patch them together by hands.
My goal is to raise 5000 dollars, though it might not be possible.
In fact, I am not going to stick around, even if I get a raise of 5000 dollars.
These would be my last 104 days.
瀏覽次數:398    人氣指數:2758    累積鼓勵:118
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雷諾瓦畫展 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 my goal
時間:2013-04-19 15:36
他, 45歲,新竹縣,資訊
作者回覆說[2013-04-22 02:15]:

ha ha!!

時間:2013-04-19 01:27
他, 47歲,桃園市,資訊
作者回覆說[2013-04-21 00:14]:

