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第三人稱的夢 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Alan Howard
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篇名: 第三人稱的夢(續)
作者: kanghave 日期: 2015.07.14  天氣:  心情:
  仍是在Google Book找來的書,這本是今年的新書。它區分的是夢中有沒有dream self,沒有的話,可以稱做第三人稱。然而dream self本身還有第一與第三人稱的區別,所以第三人稱夢的比例和原因這本書也沒說清。

Dreaming: A Conceptual Framework for Philosophy of Mind and Empirical Research
Jennifer M. Windt
MIT Press, Jun 26, 2015 - Philosophy - 824 pages
pp. 305-307


  The next question, then, is how to define phenomenal selfhood. At least at the outset, pursuing a reductive strategy, for instance, by grounding phenomenal selfhood in a specific form of experience (e.g., bodily experience, emotions, agency, ownership; cf. Blanke & Metzinger, 2009; Seth, 2013), would be to beg the question. If something like the Humean bundle theory of the self turns out to be correct, there may be no distinct and unified impression of the self over and above the train of thought, emotions, and impressions. While such a reductive or even eliminative account might well be the outcome of a research program on phenomenal selfhood, we should not assume it from the outset. A maximally permissive and theoretically neutral working definition is that the target property is, simply, the experience of being or having a self. Again, this is a purely phenomenological characterization: it does not assume that something like a self in the sense o f a stable entity existing over time actually exists. The phenomenology or self-experience does not carry any metaphysical commitments about the actual existence of a self. This working definition also does not assume that phenomenal selfhood consistently or continuously exists: during states of unconsciousness, there is no phenomenal self. For present purposes, then, phenomenal selfhood is simply whatever we experience as our self in standard situations; it is also, among other things, what people describe when they say that they were present in their dream, that in their dream, they identified with or had a dream self, and so on. The first question, then, is whether subjects consistently describe being present in their dreams (e.g., by using the first-person pronoun), and if so, how exactly the phenomenal self is experienced in dreams. We now have the conceptual tools for approaching the question of whether phenomenal selfhood in dreams is consistently tied to bodily experience.

  有的人有些夢像是看影片、電動遊戲,不但事不關己,而且並不感覺到有自我,這種夢佔10.6%,而其他89.4%則有自我,文中稱為「dream self」。文中把旁觀者歸屬於第三人稱,然而dream self包含第一與第三人稱,所以全部的第一與第三人稱夢的比例仍不知道。
  在有dream self的89.4%的夢中,70.7%是dream self會主動與夢中其他人物互動,11.1%是被動的,7.6%是完全不參與的。

  A number of studies have used the content analysis of dream reports and questionnaires to investigate varying levels of self-representation in the dream state. A common finding is that a dream self is present in the overwhelming majority of dreams and mostly acts as an active participant, though it can also, more rarely, observe the dream from a third-person, bird s-eye perspective (Snyder, 1970; Foulkes & Kerr, 1994). For instance, Strauch and Meier (1992, p. 112) found that the self is present in approximately 90 percent of dreams and that only 10.6 percent of dreams are described as selfless. Moreover, when a self is present, it tends to be an active participant (70.7 percent), and in 67.1 percent of all cases, participation has a social component in that the dream self either interacts or acts together with other dream characters. More rarely is the dream self only passively involved in dream events (11.1 percent) or not involved at all (7.6 percent).

  REM在每個睡眠周期的最後,它前面的階段稱為NREM或SWS。本段仍然以有無dream self、和dream self是否主動參與來分(見上段),REM的夢有83.33%是dream self主動參與,而SWS的夢僅47.78%。SWS夢對自我的呈現有較大差異。

  Some evidence points to variation across sleep stages. Foulkes and Schmidt (1983) found that sleep onset dreams contained less self-representation than REM sleep dream reports. Occhionero et al. (2005) used a combined methodology of asking previously trained subjects to give a free dream report, followed by a description of their level of self-participation and of "how they felt inside the dream scene" (Occhionero et al., 2005, p. 79). They found that 83.33 percent of REM and 47.78 percent of SWS (slow-wave sleep) dream reports described an actively participating dream self. They also found that different categories of self-representation varied to a considerably greater degree in SWS sleep than in REM sleep, suggesting that self-representation may vary both across and within sleep stages.

  這段是關於dream self的主動性與被動性,在年齡上的差異。

  Developmental factors may also play a role. In a longitudinal study of children s and adolescents dreams (ages nine to fifteen), Strauch (2005) found a change toward more realistic dream content and a shift from passive toward active behavior, with a particularly strong increase in interactions with other dream characters, thus confirming the earlier findings of Foulkes s (1993a, 1999) studies on children s dreams.

  這段是關於惡夢和好夢。REM夢的dream self常有攻擊行為,而NREM夢的dream self常有友誼行為。

  A number of other studies confirm the central role of the self in dreams. For instance, dream threats are typically directed at the dream self, and in adult dreams, the dream self often participates actively in threatening events (40-60 percent), exceeding reports of self-participation in threatening events from wakefulness (for discussion and further references, see Valli, 2008, pp. 70-81). McNamara, McLaren, and Durso (2007) found that REM and NREM reports described different types of social interactions, with the self more frequently acting aggressively in REM dreams and more frequently initiating friendly interactions in NREM dreams (see also McNamara et al., 2005). They suggest that behavioral strategies for dealing with social situations differ systematically between sleep stages. Again, there might be developmental differences. Crugnola et al. (2008) found that preadolescents dreams contained more references to physical aggression and fewer references to friendly interactions and, interestingly, to body parts than normative adult samples (cf. Domhoff, 1996). Differences in social interactions may also distinguish dream and waking fantasy reports. Strauch and Lederbogen (1999) found that in children s waking fantasy reports, the self took an active role in both aggressive and friendly interactions, whereas in dream reports, it tended to be the target of friendly and aggressive actions of other dream characters.
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