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篇名: 拉莫的侄兒
作者: kanghave 日期: 2015.08.12  天氣:  心情:

It is adduced as a criterion in three considerations: 1) Of the sincerity of the person making the judgement. This must be beyond question and fully manifest. 2) Of the degree of correspondence between the principles avowed by a society and its actual conduct. 3) Of the extent to which a society fosters, or corrupts, the sincerity of its citizens.
  The last of these considerations is the subject of a work which must always have a special place in the development of the ideal of sincerity, Diderot’s great dialogue with the scapegrace 流氓、無賴 nephew of the composer Rameau. The date of the composition of Le Neveu de Rameau 拉莫的侄兒 is uncertain; it was written some time between 1761 and 1774 and, for reasons of discretion, was not published in its author’s lifetime. Included among the books and manuscripts which were purchased from Diderot by his patron Catherine the Great 俄國女皇, it was clandestinely 暗中地、未獲許可地 copied, smuggled out of Russia, and brought to Germany in 1803. Its subsequent career is legendary and sums up the intellectual life of Europe for a century. Schiller, when it was shown to him, recognized its genius with rapture and rushed the manuscript to Goethe, upon whom it burst, as he said, like a bombshell. Such, indeed, was Goethe’s enthusiasm for the dialogue that he at once engaged to translate it. In order to annotate the text he undertook a headlong reading of the French literature of the eighteenth century, as a result of which he recanted the famous adverse judgement he had made upon the French mind in his student days at Strasbourg. Goethe’s translation, whose progress was Schiller’s chief concern in the last months of his life, was published in 1805. This was the version read by Hegel, who cited the dialogue in Phänomenologie des Geistes 精神現象學, enshrining it as a work of exceptional significance, the paradigm of the modern cultural and spiritual situation. Part of Hegel’s comment, which I shall presently touch on, is quoted by Karl Marx in a letter to Engels in 1869 in which he says that, having just discovered that he owned two copies of Rameau’s Nephew 拉莫的侄兒, he is sending one to his friend in Manchester for the “fresh pleasure” this “unique masterpiece” will give him. Freud read the dialogue with an admiration which was doubtless the more intense because its best-remembered passage which he quoted on three occasions, formulates his Oedipal theory in unabashed simplicity: “If your little savage [that is to say, any boy] were left to himself and to his native blindness, he would in time join the infant’s reasoning to the grown man’s passions—he would strangle his father and sleep with his mother.”

From Leonel Trilling, Sincerity and Authenticity (1971), pp. 27-28.

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