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 Ann C 的日記本
Lost Stars 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 機車停車位
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篇名: 詭異氣氛
作者: Ann C 日期: 2015.01.11  天氣:  心情:
There they were. Sitting across from each other in this warm and comfy cafe.

"There seems to be this very strange vibe happening around me recently." She said.

He replied, "It s always been this strange. It s just that you ve never really stepped out enough to see it."

She pouted a for a bit, stared into the air as if daydreaming and then asked. "Perhaps there really isn t a right guy for me on this world. The right height but the wrong face. The right face and height but the wrong voice. The right height, right voice and face with interesting talents and hobbies but the wrong character. No sense of humor, well at least not my kind of humor, yet they feel so proud of themselves for being that way. Almost as if it s supposed to be appreciated how uninteresting they are."

He gave her a smile. Not trying to mock her in anyway, rather, there was a hint of sympathy. "I see. It s all about the sense of humor in the end I suspect."

She thought for a while and then said, "More or less, yes."

"The right character can bring so much into one s life that it could ultimately change the way you see someone. Regardless of the slight flaws of their appearance." He added.

"I… guess?"

"It s going to be a journey you just have to keep on taking until you do find a Right that could make you ignore all wrongs because it is just that powerful." He looked into her eyes seriously and gave her another smile.

"I think I feel better now after talking to you. Thank you for the advice? I think." She made a few laughs and then gave him a big smile.

"No worries. Always here when you need me." He smiled back at her while sipping his coffee.

瀏覽次數:51    人氣指數:571    累積鼓勵:26
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Lost Stars 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 機車停車位
時間:2015-01-14 22:17
他, 44歲,台南市,教育研究
