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篇名: 主流意見的強制
作者: kanghave 日期: 2015.09.01  天氣:  心情:

  由於後來盧梭又參加一次第戎學院有獎徵文,寫出《論人類不平等的起源和基礎》,所以大家習將「復興學問和藝術」稱為《第一論》,「論人類不平等」稱為《第二論》。Lionel Trilling《Sincerity and Authenticity》(頁60-62)解說《第一論》對文學的論點,我分段提示如下:
  The work which won for Rousseau his initial fame was the so-called First Discourse, to which the concept of sincerity is central. The essay responds to the question proposed by the Academy of Dijon – `Has the restoration of the sciences and the arts tended to purify morals:’ We know, of course, that it answers in the negative, but when we undertake to paraphrase Rousseau’s argument without having the text before us, we find it hard to do so with accuracy – the chances are that we will assign to the phrase `the sciences and the arts’ a unitary and general meaning and make it stand for civilization as a whole, and understand Rousseau to be saying that civilization, so far from purifying morals, has corrupted the elemental, essential nature of man. This formulation is not alien to Rousseau’s intention, but it is not what he says in the First Discourse. What he does say goes so much against our settled views [這裏說「違反我們既定的看法」是要製造對比] that we cannot readily accept that he really does say it. The proposition he advances is that the practice of the sciences and the arts is a peculiarly corrupting aspect of civilization. His emphasis is upon the arts, by which he chiefly means literature. It is literature that is the pre-eminent agent of man’s corruption, the essence or paradigm of the inherent falsehood of civilized society. Literature embodies the very principle of society, which is the individual’s abnegation of personal autonomy in order to win the forbearance [n.寬容] and esteem of others – early in the First Discourse Rousseau says that the chief usefulness literary occupations may be thought to have is that `they make men more sociable [read: more conformable] by inspiring in them the desire to please one another with works worthy of their mutual approval’.
  We are habituated to the idea that society, though necessary for survival, corrupts the life it fosters, and most of us give this idea some degree of assent. But we receive with no such tolerance the idea that literature is an accomplice in the social betrayal. This offends our deepest pieties. And in defence of the art we love and trust we seize eagerly upon [逮住,捉住(以施予打擊)] Rousseau’s statement that literature is motivated by the desire to `please’, that it is characterized by a `uniform and false veil of politeness’ and by `that much vaunted [v.自負,誇耀] urbanity [n.客套,文雅,優雅] which we owe to the enlightenment of our century’ – it is plain, we say, that Rousseau takes an all too local and temporal view of literature; the intention of the great works of the past, let alone of the age to come, is surely not comprised by the simple and servile purpose of `pleasing’. The literature to which we give our admiration and gratitude fulfils its function exactly by rending [v.撕碎] the false veil of politeness, by refusing the compromises of urbanity.
  This objection serves our piety but it does not really confront what Rousseau is saying about literature. It is true that he frames his indictment in terms of a particular aesthetic doctrine instituted in the Renaissance, still ascendant in his own day, and now wholly without credit. But his concern is far from being anachronistic: its real object is the developing status of literature in the modern world, its relation to that new social circumstance of which I have spoken, the ever more powerful existence of the public, that human entity which is defined by its urban habitat, its multitudinousness, and its ready accessibility to opinion. The individual who lives in this new circumstance is subject to the constant influence, the literal in-flowing, of the mental processes of others, which, in the degree that they stimulate or enlarge his consciousness, make it less his own. He finds it ever more difficult to know what his own self is and what being true to it consists in. It is with the psychological and moral consequences of the modern public dispensation in mind that Rousseau invents his famous savage, one of whose defining traits is the perfect autonomy of his consciousness. `The savage lives within himself,’ Rousseau says in the Second Discourse; `the sociable man knows how to live only in the opinion of others, and it is, so to speak, from their judgement alone that he draws the sentiment of his own being.’ In Rousseau’s view, literature stands preeminent among the agencies of modern society which convey opinion and make it forcible and thus control and qualify the individual’s sentiment of his own being.


  〔第44段〕每個藝術家都想要得到讚賞,自己的同時代人的讚譽乃是藝術家的酬報中最珍貴的部分。要是一個藝術家不幸生在這樣一個人民和這樣一個時代之中,為了博得讚譽他該做什麼呢?此種時代,是讀書人成為時尚(devenus a la mode),他們安排了淺薄輕浮的年輕人去定調;是人們屈服於壓制自由的專制君主,而犧牲掉自己的品味;是鄙棄戲劇體詩藝的大作,拒斥神奇無比的音樂,全因某一性別只敢讚賞與另一性別的怯弱相配的東西。這位藝術家會做什麼呢,各位先生?他就會把自己的天資降低到自己的時代水平,寧願寫些生前為人稱道的平庸作品,也不願寫出唯有死後很久才會為人讚美的優秀作品。告訴我們吧,大名鼎鼎的阿魯厄特(Arouet),為了迎合我們矯揉造作的精巧,你犧牲了多少雄渾強健的美哦!你的諂媚造出多少精巧的小玩意兒,卻使你失去了多少偉大的東西哦!
  〔第54段〕賢哲之士(le sage)不追求財富,但對光榮不會無動於衷;而且,當他看到對光榮的分配如此之糟,他的德性雖然稍有鼓勵就能激發出來並會對社會(société)有益,也會變得懶心無腸,消沉在悲苦和遺忘中。這就是為什麼,久而久之必然會有這樣的結果:人們更偏愛迎合人心的天資而非有益的天資,而這也就是自科學與文藝復興以來的經驗極度證實的事。……

  後來海德格用das Man指稱與我相對的別人,他們代我界定我的自我,指定我扮演的角色,要我的生活符合他們的期盼。沙特用bad faith(法文mauvaise foi)指稱社會壓力,令我接納錯誤價值,拋棄內在自由。這些思想是從盧梭傳承下來的。
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