檔案狀態:    住戶編號:191352
 Muggle 的日記本
Truth 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 安鳩與地門
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: 靜;盡
作者: Muggle 日期: 2009.04.07  天氣:  心情:



兩位女星的名裡 都有........

另一"媽豆" 不也是......................
The first time he hit her, she came to me.
I wanted to bash his brains in. She wouldn't let.
She said, she roult him, and it wasn't his fault, he had a few drinks.
She was the one, picked the fight.
Next time it happened, she didn't come to me.
The ex told me, nice to hear her voice again.
- What did you do?
- What any father would do. I took care of it.
I called a guy, who called a guy,who handles this kind of things.
I don't know what he said, don't know what he did,
all I know is, he didn't kill him.
And my daughter, never heard from him again.
How did she react?
Called me names, you wouldn't believe,and worse.
She said, I was dead to her.

有時盡 The Bucket List



Witness something truly majestic
Help a complete stranger for a common good
Laugh till I cry
Drive a Shelby Mustang
Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world
Get a tattoo
Visit Stonehenge
Spend a week at the Louvre
See Rome
Dinner at La Cherie d'Or
See the Pyramids
Get back in touch (previously "Hunt the big cat")
Visit Taj Mahal, India
Hong Kong
Victoria Falls
Ride the Great Wall of China

- You know how they harvest caviar, don't you? - Hit me.
When the female sergeants is caught...
The fisherman has to take good care,to see that she dies peacefully...
If she feels the least bid threatened, she
sprays a foul chemical, amongst the eggs.
Sounds like my third wife.....................

The stars, it's really one of God's greatness.
So... you think a being of some sort,did all this? You don't?
You mean, do I believe, if I look up in the sky and promise this or that...
That maybe... it make all this these go away? No.
Then, 95% of people on earth, are wrong.
Life has thought me this, 95% of people are always wrong.
It's called faith.
I honestly envy people, who have faith,
I just can't get my head around it.
Maybe your head's in the way.

The emperors wife was Chad Tehan,the 5th ruling emperor.
Although it was an arranged marriage,they were deeply in love.
They remained unseprobable until she died,
giving birth to their fourteenth child.
Do you mind, if I call you Ray? Main, man, Ray.
Are you listening, to anything I'm saying?
Absolutely, fourteen kids. I'm with you.
It took 20 thousand volunteers, 22 years to complete this chapel.
Every square inch, was designed by the Shah himself.
- So, that's true love - That's true love. It must be nice.
Don't know if I buy, the whole 20 thousand volunteers business..................

Kopi Luwak,
is the world most expensive coffee.
Although for some it falls under the category,
"Too Good To Be True".
In the Sumatra village, where the beans are grown.
Lives a bread of wild tree cats.
These cats eat the beans, digest them... And then defecate...
The villagers then collect and process the stools.
It is the combination of beans,
and the gastric ion juices of the tree cats...
That gives Kopi Luwak, it's unique flavor and aroma.
You're shitting me? The cats made me do it.

It’s difficult to understand the sum of a person’s life .

Some people will tell you it’s measured by the ones left behind .

Some believe it can be measured in faith . 有人則以他的信仰來衡量;

Some say by love . 有人說他的愛心才重要,

Other folks say life has no mesning at all . 有人甚至說生命根本沒有意義……

Me ? I believe that you measure yourself … …
by the people who measured themselves by you .
至於我,我相信別人是透過你的生命, 衡量你為他的生命帶來何種意義……

You know the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful believe about that.
When their souls got to the entrance of heaven,
their Gods ask them 2 questions.
Their answer determent, whether they were admitted or not.
Okay... I'll bite. What were they?
- Have you found joy in your life? - Ah, ha...
Answer the question.
- Me? Answer the question, if I found joy, in my life? - Yes. - Yes.
- Has your life brought joy to others? Oh.. this type of question. I, ah...

I know that when he died,His eyes were closed.
And his heart was open.
And I'm pretty sure, he was happy with his final resting place.
Because he was buried on a mountain. And that was against the law.
我知道 當他去世時眼睛是緊閉著
但他的心 卻是開放的.......

片中飾愛德華主治醫生的羅伯莫洛(Rob Morrow





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