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 小靜 的日記本
生病了 /00\ 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 ti amo :)
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篇名: :(
作者: 小靜 日期: 2008.07.05  天氣:  心情:
i couldn t sleep well for the last whole week;
i finally fell asleep at sunrise every day.
i am still worrying about my academic.
actually i didn t apply any programs for further study in HK
but there s one in AU;
the Letter of Offer; i am just waiting for the result of my final exam.

But, something really bad happened a few days ago.
i went to Mainland with my parents on the last Sunday
and finally back home at 1am.
as we were walking towards the lobby,
we saw that the sercurities were sweeping the water away.
and we finally knew that our home was flooded.

OMG; i am gonna to be crazy!
and i am now puzzling ;(
could anyone help?
瀏覽次數:85    人氣指數:1085    累積鼓勵:50
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生病了 /00\ 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 ti amo :)
時間:2008-07-05 22:38
他, 35歲,嘉義市,服務
