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 喬強尼(YOU) 的日記本
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篇名: R4 Ridge Racer
作者: 喬強尼(YOU) 日期: 2021.11.27  天氣:  心情:
R4 Ridge Racer Type 4 – Opening( Acting as the protagonist - Reiko Nagase )

Do you guys remember me yet? i m Reiko Nagase also an eternal goddess of you all s. i m a virtual character and age has 41 years already. Yes, my look never changed, right. if one day i m to be real. Does anyone want me? Besides, you guys will want me to appear on PS5 console again? please tell me...Let me know, okay~[:*]

it s a clear and blue sky in this day
i was staying alone in the room
i got up early
So enjoyed the fresh air in the morning but also held the remote control on my hand and turned on the audio CD
Just listened to your favorite music
With the volume increased
i was so excited because miss you
Cause you are a racer
You don’t have much time to spend time with me
So i think you should still be racing with others at this time
Running back and forth between cities
After dressed up
Picked a black OL suit and got ready to go out

This morning of day
There were very few pedestrians and cars
So i decided walking
My left hand held a handbag
Through the streets
Suddenly at a loss
i couldn t figure out the direction
The passenger plane above also whizzed past
The intuition told myself at this moment
Got to forward to the tunnel in the direction of Mist Lake

Keep walking
Keep walking
The back heel of one of my red high heels was broken
i always felt uneasy
Were you safe during the game of R4 Ridge Racer Type 4
Always was thinking of you in my heart
Are you OK
Then i carried both of a handbag and a broken pair of high heels on right hand
Just kept walking forward
Because one foot was barefoot
So i always felt a little strenuous to walk
My look sighed slightly
The scenery on the coast road is particularly beautiful
The soft and warm breeze was blowing towards to my pretty face
My pretty short hair also swayed with them
Didn t know what happened
You happened to pass here on the way
i also handed a parking gesture to you
My mind thought you came here for myself
No matter how
Is it a coincidence
There seems to be a chain of fate between you and me
Bind us together

Then my feet walked in your direction of car quickly
The feet were heavy but i tried the best to do well
But that was really slowly....slowly
i almost couldn t control every step of mine
Until walked to the window of the front right seat
You pushed on the window of car button
it was pulling down
So i bent down too
Looked at you
i felt very happy
My expression showed up the white teeth of myself
But seems like a little shy
Then just get in your car without thinking
Heading to the end of the love paradise
Just both of us
Honey~ [:))]
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