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篇名: Kahneman快思慢想
作者: kanghave 日期: 2015.10.24  天氣:  心情:
  10/11《聯合報》洪蘭專欄〈九一一撞出人間處處菩提〉,內容大部分是轉述九一一那天由德國法蘭克福飛往美國的Delta 15班機座艙長對那趟飛行迫降於加拿大的文章。
  自從洪蘭翻譯Daniel Kahneman的《Thinking, Fast and Slow》為《快思慢想》,鬧出翻譯離譜的新聞後,我對她的「西學」一概不敢相信。即使像那篇專欄轉述的那種生活、溫情、勵志的文章,我也不相信她讀得對、讀得懂。

  Every author, I suppose, has in mind a setting in which readers of his or her work could benefit from having read it. Mine is the proverbial office watercooler, where opinions are shared and gossip is exchanged. I hope to enrich the vocabulary that people use when they talk about the judgments and choices of others, the company’s new policies, or a colleague’s investment decisions. Why be concerned with gossip? Because it is much easier, as well as far more enjoyable, to identify and label the mistakes of others than to recognize our own. Questioning what we believe and want is difficult at the best of times, and especially difficult when we most need to do it, but we can benefit from the informed opinions of others. Many of us spontaneously anticipate how friends and colleagues will evaluate our choices; the quality and content of these anticipated judgments therefore matters. The expectation of intelligent gossip is a powerful motive for serious self-criticism, more powerful than New Year resolutions to improve one’s decision making at work and at home.



  下面是該書Conclusions第一節「Two selves」的頭二段,濃縮該書所提出的experiencing self能經驗的自我與remembering self能記憶的自我。我選這二段是因為我發現這兩個自我的理論非常有趣,後文會再說。

  The possibility of conflicts between the remembering self and the interests of the experiencing self turned out to be a harder problem than I initially thought. In an early experiment, the cold-hand study, the combination of duration neglect and the peak-end rule led to choices that were manifestly absurd. Why would people willingly expose themselves to unnecessary pain? Our subjects left the choice to their remembering self, preferring to repeat the trial that left the better memory, although it involved more pain. Choosing by the quality of the memory may be justified in extreme cases, for example when post-traumatic stress is a possibility, but the cold-hand experience was not traumatic. An objective observer making the choice for someone else would undoubtedly choose the short exposure, favoring the sufferer’s experiencing self. The choices that people made on their own behalf are fairly described as mistakes. Duration neglect and the peak-end rule in the evaluation of stories, both at the opera and in judgments of Jen’s life, are equally indefensible. It does not make sense to evaluate an entire life by its last moments, or to give no weight to duration in deciding which life is more desirable.



  The remembering self is a construction of System 2. However, the distinctive features of the way it evaluates episodes and lives are characteristics of our memory. Duration neglect and the peak-end rule originate in System 1 and do not necessarily correspond to the values of System 2. We believe that duration is important, but our memory tells us it is not. The rules that govern the evaluation of the past are poor guides for decision making, because time does matter. The central fact of our existence is that time is the ultimate finite resource, but the remembering self ignores that reality. The neglect of duration combined with the peak-end rule causes a bias that favors a short period of intense joy over a long period of moderate happiness. The mirror image of the same bias makes us fear a short period of intense but tolerable suffering more than we fear a much longer period of moderate pain. Duration neglect also makes us prone to accept a long period of mild unpleasantness because the end will be better, and it favors giving up an opportunity for a long happy period if it is likely to have a poor ending. To drive the same idea to the point of discomfort, consider the common admonition, “Don’t do it, you will regret it.” The advice sounds wise because anticipated regret is the verdict of the remembering self and we are inclined to accept such judgments as final and conclusive. We should not forget, however, that the perspective of the remembering self is not always correct. An objective observer of the hedonimeter profile, with the interests of the experiencing self in mind, might well offer different advice. The remembering self’s neglect of duration, its exaggerated emphasis on peaks and ends, and its susceptibility to hindsight combine to yield distorted reflections of our actual experience.



  Kahneman的TED演講解釋了experiencing self能經驗的自我與remembering self能記憶的自我這一理論,也見於其書第五部分。前者在生活的一個片段中、經歷某個事件時予以感受,後者是過完某個生活片段、經歷完某個事件後予以回憶,而兩者關於同一生活片段、事件的苦樂評價會不吻合。可以看他親口解釋:
「The Riddle of Experience vs. Memory」

  Kahneman兩個自我的區別,和Jill Bolte Taylor對右腦和左腦的說法很像。Taylor說右腦活在當下,不記憶過去,不展望未來,只感受當下物我無隔的能量。左腦從每個片刻選擇一些留下來,組成過去、現在、未來有一發展路線的我。所以右腦很像能經驗的自我,而左腦很像能記憶的自我。兩位學者還有一個很雷同的地方是他們為右腦、能經驗的自我抱不平,想將它們從左腦、能記憶的自我之暴政(tyranny)救出來,讓它們對我們有更大的影響力。

  Jill Bolte Taylor的TED演講「My Stroke of Insight」:
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時間:2015-10-27 21:57
她, 52歲,台中市,教育研究
