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 和平 的日記本
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篇名: 白內障手術
作者: 和平 日期: 2022.07.25  天氣:  心情:
Hi, Everyone,

We miss you all and pray for God s grace and mercy and blessings to be upon you day by day. My surgeon has scheduled me for eye surgery on Tuesday and then again on August 9 in Fremont. I am a little nervous about it given the complications with my mom s same surgery a few years ago. Please keep us in your prayers during this stressful time...that the surgery be successful, that with the new lenses my eyesight will be much improved, and that my improved sight will enable me to see better and serve the needs of my family and others. I also ask the Lord to relieve me of overwhelming anxiety and worry, that I may surrender all things to Him and fully trust in His Will.

I miss you all terribly. May the Lord especially bless Ruth, Grace, and Jon right now. May our precious Lord bless and keep each of you safe.
Bill loc@gmail.com
Dear Bill,

I pray that God will work through the medical team to heal your eyesight. I pray for the surgery to go smoothly. I know it is never easy to get rid of fear and worry in our heart. I pray that God calm your anxious heart right now and that you are reminded all the time that God is for you and He is in control. May the peace of God replaces the fear in your heart.

I pray for Ruth to be healed and relieved from her pain. May God always remind Ruth that He loves her when she feels overwhelmed. I pray for Jonathan that God keep him safe and healthy in Taiwan. I pray also for Leila that God heals her shoulder pain. Leila, we are in the same boat. I have pain on my left shoulder. Cliff, I pray that God bless you in your health and your work, too.

Love you all,
Grace gracet@hotmail.com
Am confident in our Lord Jesus Christ that he is with you always amidst the anxiety that you are going through. May he grant you the strength to give to ALL to him for His burden is light and that he continues to grant you the rest and peace you long to have. May the hand of Jesus be at work with the surgeons and may HE grant you renewed sight to know in your heart that ALL things work for His glory and goodness. May Soo continue to be at peace during your recovery.

We are all praying for Ruth, May Our Lord continue to relieve our sister, who loves the Lord so much, with her pain and infirmity. May our brother Jonathan be safe and well in Taiwan. May our God be with our children, protect, guide and continue to work in their hearts. May Grace and Suharli be well and may the peace of our Lord ease their grief, as they remember with joy the love they have for Gace s father. May Leila be healed of her shoulder pain and may Jesus Christ be with us all in our walk through life.

God bless.
Cliff cnath@gmail.com
Dear Bill,

It s Monday morning in Taiwan now. So, I ll keep praying for you and remembering you and your surgery team. May God guide this team, the eye doctor, surgeon and nurses hands to handle this delicate operation. I m sure your fully cure and recovery will bring much joy to not only you, your family but also people around you and you will wish to serve.

Will keep praying for Ruth and our three-family of Bill and Sue, Suharli and Grace, Cliff and Leila s. May our God bless you and keep you and your young generations in his merciful and good hands all the time.

Thank you all for remembering me in Taiwan. I m doing pretty well since this city is my hometown. The temperature are high these days and very humid. Lucky to have a very nice air conditioner when stay inside. And will go out from time to time. Do see people are wearing masks almost all the time other than eating and smoking. Good things are fewer smokers now than it used to be. Part of the reason is the COVID-19. From time to time I do see now Taiwan is the number one for the higheast ratio of people who got infected, and death.

Appreciate your rememering me and look forward to hearing good news very soon.

Love you all,

Jon yu.jon77@yahoo.com
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