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 和平 的日記本
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篇名: Part 2
作者: 和平 日期: 2022.07.26  天氣:  心情:
Hello everyone!

Praying for all of us as we face our ups and downs each and everyday. May His peace and joy be radiated in our lives in the midst of all our trials. We will certainly pray for Bill’s surgery. In the name of Jesus, all will be well. Let’s continue to trust in His promises.

Thank you Jonathan for the update. We are so glad that you have settled and well adjusted in Taiwan. We will also continue to pray for Suharli and Grace, Glenn and Gabe for the remaining days they have in Indonesia. Let us also pray for Ruth’s health and recovery. May we all be safe and protected by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We miss you all!

In His Love,
Leila leila@gmail.com

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for your prayers and sharing your love for everyone. How fortunate and blessed we are for the Lord to have gathered us and formed us into a family so we
could strengthen each other in times such as this. Though the miles and oceans may separate us, the Love of the Lord keeps us firmly together through storms and

It s so good to hear from all of you, especially from Jonathan from his new home. I pray for God s healing and blessing to be on our dear sister Ruth and Suharli and Grace
and their families. May the Lord grant us all His peace and confidence in His plans for our future as He promised Joshua.

In His Boundless Grace, Bill lockb@gmail.com
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