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 和平 的日記本
氣候異常 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 真愛沒有句點
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篇名: part 3
作者: 和平 日期: 2022.07.29  天氣:  心情:
Hi, Everyone,

對不起,手術後我太累了。 我一定是睡過頭了,因為我不記得很多細節了。 沒有並發症,我被告知進展順利。
我的視力還沒有明顯改善,但希望它會隨著傷口的癒合而改善。 今天下午我必須去看醫生進行隨訪。 我的視線被擋住了
帶眼罩。 我正在通過眼藥水吃藥。 謝謝你的祈禱!
Sorry, but I was so tired after the surgery. I must have slept through it as I don t remember much of the details. There were no complications, and I m told it went well.
My sight has not yet improved significantly, but hopefully it will improve as the wound heals. I have to see the doctor this afternoon for followup. My sight is blocked
with an eye patch. I m taking meds via eyedrops. Thanks for your prayers! Bill

On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 5:27 PM Grace <grace@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi Bill,
You have said what I also have in mind about our Life Group family.
It is Wednesday morning in Indonesia now, which means it s Tuesday eveneing in the bay area. How was the surgery? Praying for the recovery and the surgery next week.

Rest and take it easy,

Hi, Everyone,
Sorry, but I was so tired after the surgery. I must have slept through it as I don t remember much of the details. There were no complications, and I m told it went well.
My sight has not yet improved significantly, but hopefully it will improve as the wound heals. I have to see the doctor this afternoon for followup. My sight is blocked
with an eye patch. I m taking meds via eyedrops. Thanks for your prayers! Bill

On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 5:27 PM Grace wrote:
Hi Bill,
You have said what I also have in mind about our Life Group family.
It is Wednesday morning in Indonesia now, which means it s Tuesday eveneing in the bay area. How was the surgery? Praying for the recovery and the surgery next week.

Rest and take it easy,

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From: Bill <lock@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2022 12:41:32 AM
To: Leila <leila@gmail.com>
Cc: Jon Yu <yu.jon77@gmail.com>; Grace <grace@hotmail.com>; CLIFF <cna@gmail.com>; suharli <suharli@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Appreciate Your Prayers for My Cataract Surgery

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for your prayers and sharing your love for everyone. How fortunate and blessed we are for the Lord to have gathered us and formed us into a family so we
could strengthen each other in times such as this. Though the miles and oceans may separate us, the Love of the Lord keeps us firmly together through storms and

It s so good to hear from all of you, especially from Jonathan from his new home. I pray for God s healing and blessing to be on our dear sister Ruth and Suharli and Grace
and their families. May the Lord grant us all His peace and confidence in His plans for our future as He promised Joshua.

In His Boundless Grace, Bill
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