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 kanghave 的日記本
Pei-Shi Lin三篇 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 不屑莎士比亞
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篇名: 本質與實際
作者: kanghave 日期: 2015.12.25  天氣:  心情:


(英文為H.B. Nisbet譯,中文為范揚、張企泰譯,由我依英譯修改)
  自在自為的國家是倫理性的全體The state in and for itself is the ethical whole,,也是自由的現實化the actualization of freedom,,而自由之應成為現實,乃是理性的絕對目的and it is the absolute end of reason that freedom should be actual.。
  國家是那精神,它在地上且有意識地在該處(指地上)實現它自己The state is the spirit which is present in the world and which consciously realizes itself therein,,至於在自然界中,精神只將自己現實化為它自己的別物,也就是蟄伏的精神whereas in nature, it actualizes itself only as the other of itself, as dormant spirit.。只有當它現存於意識中,當做實存的對象來認識自己時,它才是國家Only when it is present in consciousness, knowing itself as an existent object, is it the state.。
  任何人談論自由時,不應從個別性、或個別的自我意識出發Any discussion of freedom must begin not with individuality or the individual self-consciousness,,而應只從自我意識的本質出發but only with the essence of self-consciousness;,這是因為無論人類知道與否for whether human beings know it or not,,這個本質將自己實現為自足的力量,而個別的人只是這種自足力量中的環節罷了this essence realizes itself as a self-sufficient power of which single individuals are only moments.。
  神在地上的行進,就構成了國家The state consists in the march of God in the world,,其基礎就是理性的力量將自己現實化為意志and its basis is the power of reason actualizing itself as will.。
  我們理解國家的理念時In considering the Idea of the state,,不應想到任何特殊國家或特殊制度we must not have any particular states or particular institutions in mind;,而應該考察那理念本身instead, we should consider the Idea,、這位現實的神本身this actual God, in its own right.。任一國家即使我們按我們的原則來指責它不好Any state, even if we pronounce it bad in the light of our own principles,,即使我們找出其中或此或彼的缺陷and even if we discover this or that defect in it,,它自身內總會含有它存在的本質性環節(條件為它需是現代的較先進國家)invariably has the essential moments of its existence within itself (provided it is one of the more advanced states of our time).。
  然而由於挑毛病要比理解肯定性的東西容易But since it is easier to discover deficiencies than to comprehend the affirmative,,所以人們容易犯錯,忽視國家的內在機體,而注意國家的個別方面one may easily fall into the mistake of overlooking the inner organism of the state in favour of individual aspects.。
  國家不是藝術品The state is not a work of art;;它立足於地上it exists in the world,,從而立足於任性、偶然性和錯誤的領域中and hence in the sphere of arbitrariness, contingency, and error,,惡劣的行為可以在許多方面殘害它and bad behaviour may disfigure it in many respects.。但是最醜惡的人、罪犯、病人、或殘廢者畢竟是個活人But the ugliest man, the criminal, the invalid, or the cripple is still a living human being;;儘管有那些缺陷,那肯定面,即生命,依然存活著The affirmative aspect - life - survives in spite of such deficiencies,,而這個肯定面就是這裡所要談的and it is with this affirmative aspect that we are here concerned.。

  沒有教養的人以論辯、挑毛病為樂Uneducated people delight in argument and fault-finding,,因為挑毛病容易for it is easy to find fault,,而認出好東西及其內在必然性則困難but difficult to recognize the good and its inner necessity.。教養的初期總是從挑毛病著手Education in its early stages always begins with fault-finding,,但是教養完成以後,會從每一事物中看到正向的成分but when it is complete, it sees the positive element in everything.。
  在宗教方面In religion,,也一樣容易說這個或那個是迷信it is equally easy to say that this or that is superstition,,但是要理解它所含的真理,那是無限困難的事but it is infinitely more difficult to comprehend the truth which it contains.。
  所以我們應當區別眾人外露的政治情緒和他們真誠意願得到的東西Thus people s apparent political disposition should be distinguished from what they genuinely will;;這是因為就內心而言,他們事實上意願得到那物for inwardly, they in fact will the thing [Sache],,可是他們沉迷於細節,並且以宣稱具有上乘洞見而獲得虛榮為樂but they fasten on to details and delight in the vanity of claiming superior insight.。
  他們希望國家會繼續存在,也希望特殊利益只在國家中便能完成They trust that the state will continue to exist [bestehen] and that particular interests can be fulfilled within it alone;;然而習慣使我們見不到我們全部實存所依賴的基礎But habit blinds us to the basis of our entire existence [Existentz].。
  當有人夜裏在街上安全地行走時,他不會想到狀況可能不是這樣子It does not occur to someone who walks the streets in safety at night that this might be otherwise,,因為習於活於安全中已經成為第二天性for this habit of [living in] safety has become second nature,,我們幾乎不停下來想想,那是特殊制度所達到的效果and we scarcely stop to think that it is solely the effect of particular institutions.。
  一般的看法常以為國家是以力量結合起來的Representational thought often imagines that the state is held together by force;;不過,將它結合起來的只是基本的秩序感,而這乃是人人都具有的but what holds it together is simply the basic sense of order which everyone possesses.。
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Pei-Shi Lin三篇 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 不屑莎士比亞
時間:2015-12-28 10:03
她, 51歲,新北市,教育研究
