檔案狀態:    住戶編號:2396574
 靈山/Michael 的日記本
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篇名: 巴拿馬前駐華大使給台灣的公開信
作者: 靈山/Michael 日期: 2017.06.19  天氣:  心情:
Dr.Alfred Martiz

I was raised with the sweet and proper guidelines that prevailed
in the XX century. My Mother and my Father made use of morals,civism,
and good manners in the upbringing of my siblings as well as mine.

Upon becoming an adult,bolstered by true Christian principles;serving others,
I could not decline getting into the political sphere,which is so frowned upon
in our latitudes despite the fact that well-directed politics is a genuine
service ministry.

Owing to the diplomatic circumstances between my country and the Republic of China(Taiwan)
I have to acknowledge a sole fault:not having raised my voice when I realized the breaking
of diplomatic relations between both countries due to the impact of the news and the pain
it causes me to leave such fond and happy memories;as well as,so many hours of work uniting
two such different and noble cultures. All the human effort that enriched my diplomatic
undertaking,with my silence and without clarification,would become permanently clouded by
the shadow of decisions which I cannot judge,due to the fact that it is not my duty to do so.

My duty today is not the sphere of Political Sciences and Foreign Affairs.

To the people of Taiwan,my deep appreciation and permanent affection. To its Government,
my commitment remains as strong as ever. I shall become a bridge and a means as interlocutor.

To my dearest Panama,I shall always be your faithful servant.
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時間:2017-06-22 00:42
她, 65歲,高雄市,經商
