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Attitude 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Friendship
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篇名: Online Friends
作者: toughlady 日期: 2020.06.21  天氣:  心情:
An internet relationship is a relationship between people who have met online
Sure, we used to do pen pals and long-distance relationships, but we’ve never
had a 24/7 shared connection as is now available to us, thanks to the web

You get to interact with people of all cultures and points of view that you may
not have the opportunity to do so any other way

The problem with online friendship is that something odd happens with this heightened level of intimacy without commitment, people get sensitive, and some turn into jerks

But also the problem comes when one of us says something to get on the other’s nerves
And trust me, it’s going to happen. Then, we are in a pickle
Because it’s easy to ignore people online, to play passive-aggressive and give the cold shoulder

Is it healthy to view online friends as real friends?????
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