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 咩君~~ 的日記本
no title 7 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 沒有標題的日記 9
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篇名: No title 8
作者: 咩君~~ 日期: 2010.05.07  天氣:  心情:
Today... was pretty OK.

But yesterday was just plain AWESOME!!! hahaha.
Lemme tell you things that happened yesterday! (cuz it s way better than today)

Yesterday, during Physical Education class, we got a notification that a girl soccer team from Corban University (The states) is in our school and going to hold a Sports Clinic. :)

Those people are really kind, and really patient, because almost every girl in our class sucks at playing soccer. haha (including me!)

We jogged, practiced kicking, and shooting.

The best part was dividing into teams and playing against each other.

Our team was called the "TOMATOES" (cuz our PE uniform is red), and our team leader was Brit (from Corban)

We went against another team called the "Cucumbers" hahaha. (THIS game is not the world cup, but the VEGETABLE CUP!!)

I have to admit that the cucumbers sucks. hehe

They got ZERO goals, while our team got 4! (I got a hatchet!! yay!)

We kept playing and playing and our group beat every other girl s team! hahaha
We started the training from 9:15 and it ended at 11:30!!!
OMG. we actually did soccer for 3 hours!! haha
It was so tiring! (But awesome, cuz i got to make friends with College students! :D)

Now... let s talk about today. (BOOOOO.... XD)

Nothing interesting happened today, except that tonight there is going to be a dance party at my school. BUT, i am not going, cuz i am lazy. :D
BY THE WAY, I can write a limerick! hahaha

My grandma is an old lady
With an age of around eighty
She babbles nonsense
When she counts her cents
I have to calm down, before I get cranky!

LOL, whaddaya think? wkwk

瀏覽次數:66    人氣指數:466    累積鼓勵:20
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no title 7 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 沒有標題的日記 9
時間:2010-05-07 23:01
他, 34歲,桃園市,藝術
