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篇名: Feel anxious
作者: Larry 日期: 2021.04.06  天氣:  心情:
I have been worked in the society for 27 years. But until now I don't have 100 thousands dollars in my savings account.
How to earn more? It is the most important point need to be thought.

I hope to build up my own family, but is 18000 dollars enough to support the daily of living fees?
Especially when my woman has a baby, she may be lost her job. Or she may look after the children when they are young.
That mean my salary need to enough to support my family.

Therefore I dare not date any girls for more than 15 years to avoid spending any unnecessary expenses soasto save more money in my saving account.

But there is still less than 100 thousand in my saving account. I am totally a rubbish.

But luckily I have been got a grade A at TransUnion credit score for more than 1 year.

Last month I sacked my previous job, I have been no income for 1 month. I have spent for nearly 20 thousands last month. Today I am being scared for the outside atmosphere and environment. But scare is no good, I need to more positively to let myself industrious.

Hope I can find a good job to earn enough to support me to build up my own family.
I hope to find a job and can be long lasting and stable enough to work until I retire at age 65.
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