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Feel anxious 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Frustrated
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篇名: Urine test
作者: Larry 日期: 2021.04.06  天氣:  心情:
At 25th of March. I consulted doctor at Mary Hospital.

Because of the blood level in urine at body check last year was relatively high, the doctor needed me to perform urine test, therefore the nurse gave me a big glass bottle to me to store my urine.
And she said, there was no service on Sunday. She suggested me to store my 24 hour urine on Sunday and took the bottle to them on Monday.

I needed to follow the instructions to abstain from eating and drinking 24 hours before starting storing 24 hours urine. That means I abstained from certain food and drink on Saturday and stored 24 hours Urine on Sunday.

But at 1600 hrs on Sunday, the bottle was full. I felt happy because I could enjoy my cup of white coffee.

Then I sent the bottle to Mary Hospital on Monday. However the nurse rejected my bottle of urine because there was not contained with all 24 hours' urine utterly. Another reason was that I lost the original intention of body check.

She gave me 2 big empty glass bottles and reminded me to store again.

Therefore I needed to abstain from eating and drinking on Tuesday and store my urine on Wednesday. How damn?

Finally I sent 2 heavy big glass urine bottles to the Mary Hospital on Thursday successfully.
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