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你容不容易出現負面情緒? 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 你容不容易出現負面情緒?
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篇名: 你的壓力很大嗎?
作者: 涼果子 日期: 2004.03.25  天氣:  心情:
你的壓力很大嗎?how big is your pressure?



測驗開始:底下有12題,把每一題所得到的分數加總起來,再看看最後的分析結果。There’s 12 questions, add all your answers’ number together, and then see the result.

1. 你是否常覺得心情很煩悶?do you often feel depressed?
經常 - 5 very often
普通 - 3 sometimes
偶爾 - 1 not often

2. 你是否會自己一個人自言自語?do you talk to your self?
經常 - 5 very often
偶爾 - 3 sometimes
不太會 - 1 not really

3. 心情不好的時候,你會騎車到外頭透透氣嗎?when you are stressed and pissed, will u go out to breath fresh air?
會 - 1 yes
偶爾會 - 3 sometimes
幾乎不會 - 5 almost never

4. 你是否曾動過自殺的念頭?have you ever think about suicide?
經常 - 5 very often
偶爾 - 3 sometimes
不會 - 1 never

5. 覺得電視上的綜藝節目越來越無聊?do you think the TV shows are getting boring?
很無聊 - 5 very boring
有些很無聊 - 3 some of them are boring
都很有趣 - 1 they are all cool and interesting

6. 即使到了度假勝地,依舊沒有很開心的感覺?even you are on vacation, you are still not happy?
不會 - 1 never feel that way
還好,有時會很開心 - 3 sometimes are happy, half half
幾乎開心不起來 - 5 almost never happy….

7. 你有沒有想起來很氣,氣到幾乎想做掉他的人?do you have people that you hate so much that you wanted to kill him/her?
2個以內 - 1 under two
3~5個以內 - 3 3to5
超過5個 - 5 above 5 people that I want to kill

8. 你是否覺得自己常常很慵懶、身體虛弱無力,可是到醫院又檢查不出毛病?have you ever been through times that you don’t feel any strength, but when you go to hospital to check, there’s nothing wrong with you?
常常會這樣 - 5 happens very often
有時會比較沒幹勁 - 3 sometimes
不太會,常常充滿活力 - 1 not really, been hyper all the time!

9. 遇到路上橫衝直撞、不守交通規則的駕駛人,你會有怎樣的反應?when you meet some people that don’t drive really well, and go against the rule on the street, what’s your reaction?
真想斃了那些人渣 - 5 want to kill them!
XXX,為什麼我這麼倒楣? - 3 darn it, how come I have such a bad luck?
太擠了,真想移民到國外 - 1 too many people like this, wanna to move to other country..

10. 覺得每天作同樣的事(例如上班、上課)是一件很煩人的事? every day we’re doing the same thing over and over again(like school, work), is it boring and annoying?
實在很煩,有點不想要 - 5 very boring and annoying, don’t want to do then
不太會,一樣能找到樂趣 - 1 not really, still can find some interest in them
和計畫衝突時才會覺得煩 - 3 only boring if not my type or go against my thoughts

11. 你最討厭底下哪種類型的人?which kind of people do u hate?
個性自私自利、小氣摳門的人 - 5 selfish, miserly
喜歡誇大其實、一事無成的人 - 1 like to show off and to exaggerate often, but actually have nothing for reality
總是固執己見、不知變通的人 - 3 stubborn

12. 你覺得自己是不是很容易陷入感情或友情的困擾?do you worry about friendship and relationship?
很容易,常常會這樣 - 5 think about that very often
偶爾會,感情還不錯 - 3 sometimes, the relationship is ok right now
不太會,感情都很好 - 1 never, me and my friends were all great!

below 20pt., pressure percentage: 30%

your way of thinking are mostly positive, so even you are mad, you don’t hide it inside, you let it out by some positive ways. That way, your pressure aren’t big. When you do have pressure, listen to some music, and very soon, you’ll recover and be hyper and happy again.

20~30pt., pressure percentage: 50%

you are very rational, so when you meet somebody or some place with unreasonable attitude or environment, you can’t stand it, your emotion will reflect on what you think. Also, the mission that you can’t finish also make you depress. Usually, just change you environment, for example, go out with friends, shopping, your mood will probably calm down.

30~40pt., pressure percentage:70%

you are the people that are more quiet, don’t like to go against people, when you face something that you hate or dislike, most of the time, you don’t say it out. This stay for a long period of time. This kind of pressure usually make you feel like you can’t do anything. Make some physical changes, for example, go mountain climbing, go to fitness center, or hot spring to relax.

over 40pt., pressure percentage: above 85%

You are very sensitive, also you get nervous very easily. Really care what other people think about you, because of this, a lot of times you do some thing that you don’t like. This goes on for months, you’ll get a huge pressure. This is the dangerous group for melancholia people. It’s better to go to the psychologist and ask for help.
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