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 Joe 的日記本
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篇名: 自介
作者: Joe 日期: 2017.05.29  天氣:  心情:
左思右想還是決定把這種寫得不怎麼能看的自介丟進來,從新補上中文版的才不會嚇死人( ´_ゝ`),各位看倌覺得呢?我當是在練習呦~
Hello everyone~
My name is Joe. I’m a friendly & Enthusiastic person, but I must told you that I very hate cheater, metamorphosis, and one night stands.
If you had any unusual questions what did, you want to ask me, I could promise you finding wrong person.
My interest are listening music (Ed sheeran, Passenger, Adele, One republic, one direct, Aqua...etc), jogging, traveling, sleeping, and photographing at liesure time.
My profession: Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe illustrator CC, Adobe InDesign CC, and chemistry.
I would like to make new friends in here, and then if you saw my profile and considered Okay, you could sent some message to me.
If you have same interest as me, you could spend a little time to watch my album which recorded my some works.
This is my album: 【https://www.flickr.com/photos/joe_ho1994 】
ps. I'm going to plan working holidy and traveling around the world after I graduate. So I really hope people who can assiate me raising my English skills. hahaha
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