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篇名: R&B歌手碧昂絲懷孕照
作者: 魅影 日期: 2017.02.02  天氣:  心情:

Beyoncé's Pregnancy Photo is Reportedly the Most Liked Picture Ever on Instagram
Nash Jenkins | Time Magazine | 4:33 AM 台北標準時間。

週三晚間,碧昂絲在 Instagram 宣佈她已經懷孕了,且不只一個小孩而是雙胞胎。  在照片中她帶著面紗跪在一大束花前面很溫柔地抱握她的肚子;在照片說明中碧昂絲表示她和丈夫已祈禱了兩次,並為家中將增兩位成員感到極為感激。  這張照片在八小時內被灌爆了超過近700萬次按讚,也創下 Instagram 所有貼照按讚的最高的紀錄。

On Wednesday night, Beyoncé Knowles took to Instagram to announce that she was pregnant — not with one child but with twins. In the photo, she's veiled and kneeling in front of a bouquet of flowers, gently clasping her stomach; in the caption, written on behalf of her and her husband Jay-Z, she said that they "have been blessed two times over" and "are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two."  The photo has blown up, inevitably. Within eight hours, it had accrued more than 6.6 million likes — more than any photo ever posted to Instagram, Billboard。
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