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 Papr!ka(看自介) 的日記本
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篇名: Sleep tight
作者: Papr!ka(看自介) 日期: 2013.07.26  天氣:  心情:

The window, at night, gently rocks my dreams
Stirring up your scent and turning it into a breeze
You, in my dreams, always share everything with me
Filling up the hole in my heart with sweet light and heat

A long long street, stretched out to bathe in moonlight
I gather every falling star and put them all in my bag
Thinking of you, my thoughts shout out, hanging in mid-sky
Insomnious fish take me out to sea for a ride

The heart that misses you isn’t hard enough to pretend
Making believe there’s no pain and I’m doing okay
Facing your direction, my imagination may take flight

Allowing an invisible me to squeeze in by your side

And then I’ll sleep tight

---圖:高中時期創作 / 使用壓克力顏料---
瀏覽次數:345    人氣指數:5925    累積鼓勵:279
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