檔案狀態:    住戶編號:3140186
 無苗族 的日記本
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篇名: 日記
作者: 無苗族 日期: 2012.09.05  天氣:  心情:
最近雖然不用上班 但因諸多問題 心神情緒並不穩定
短時間是放鬆 長時間就是逃避現實
雖然心裡瞭解 但仍不自由主的把自己放空在幻想世界裡
以前這個時候 音樂 書本 甚至蔣勳的講座 都是用來治癒心靈的良藥
但這些治癒心靈空虛的藥 有如毒品對於吸毒者 抗生素對於病人 總是需要越來越多的量
因此隨著年紀增長 似乎也越來越不頂用了

今天剛好看到上課的教授念到莫札特的信 是在好友去世時寫給他父親的
其中一段話 竟讓人心中感到了一絲安慰
難得 因此把它記下 :

死亡是生命的真正目的 在過去的兩年裡 我對此深有體會
因此 我將死亡視作人類最真誠的朋友
這樣的想法讓我對死亡再也沒有了恐懼 取而代之的則是安寧和欣慰
讓我有幸明白 死亡是通往真正幸福之路……

"Death is the true goal of our life and I have made myself so well acquainted with it during the past two years that I see it as the true and best friend of mankind.
Indeed, the idea of it no longer holds any terror for me but rather much that is tranquil and comforting, and I thank God that he has granted me the good fortune to obtain the opportunity of regarding death as the key to our true happiness.
I never retire at night without considering that, as young as I am, perhaps I may be no more on the morrow,
yet not one of those who knows me could say that I am morose or melancholy, and for this I thank my creator daily and wish heartily the same happiness may be given to my fellow man.
I clearly explained my way of looking at the matter on the occasion of the death of my very dear best friend, Count von Hatzfeld. He was just thirty-one like myself.
I do not grieve for him but from the bottom of my heart for myself and for all who knew him as well as I."
瀏覽次數:168    人氣指數:368    累積鼓勵:10
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