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歐盟瓦解才是真正最大隻的黑天鵝 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 川普安定美國人心的國會演說
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篇名: 道瓊工業指數空前站上21000
作者: 魅影 日期: 2017.03.02  天氣:  心情:

Dow Surges 300 Points to Top 21000 for First Time | Milestone comes after Trump strikes an optimistic tone in his speech and as Fed officials hint at higher interest rates | The Wall Street Journal

美國第45屆總統川普昨日,2017-03-01,在國會的樂觀語氣演說以及聯準會(Fed)暗示3月將再度升息,道瓊平均工業指數大漲300點第一次衝破21000來到新的里程碑 | 華爾街日報 2017-03-01

The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged more than 300 points to cross the 21000 milestone for the first time, as investors embraced optimism from President Donald Trump and Federal Reserve officials.

Stocks have soared since November, with the blue-chip index surpassing 19000, 20000—and now 21000—since Election Day. Enthusiasm for Mr. Trump’s plans to cut taxes, loosen regulations and ramp up fiscal spending have bolstered shares alongside signs of

##Dow Crosses 21000: More Upside to Come##
The Dow Jones Industrial Average crossed 21000 for the first time Wednesday morning. WSJ's Paul Vigna and Tanya Rivero discuss the market's response to President Trump's policies and what still concerns traders about the U.S. economy.
瀏覽次數:504    人氣指數:704    累積鼓勵:10
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歐盟瓦解才是真正最大隻的黑天鵝 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 川普安定美國人心的國會演說
時間:2017-03-16 23:41
她, 43歲,高雄市,其他
時間:2017-03-16 22:56
她, 43歲,高雄市,其他
