檔案狀態:    住戶編號:1953266
 ~ sylvia ~ 的日記本
『 彼此適不適合很重要.. 』 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 『 心 如 刀 割 .. 』
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: 『 That's Why..』
作者: ~ sylvia ~ 日期: 2011.04.16  天氣:  心情:

( 珍貴照片 / 分享 )

『 That's Why .... 』 That's why ( you go away )

寶貝,妳為何不告訴我, Baby won't you tell me why

是什麼讓妳的眼神看來如此的悲傷? there is sadness in your eyes ?

我並不想與妳道別, I don't wanna say goodbye to you

愛情是一個巨大的幻影我該試著去忘記 Love is one big illusion I should try to forget

但一切卻深印在我的腦海裡 but there is something left in my head

是妳開始了一切,You're the one who set it up

卻又突然將它停下來 now you're the one to make it stop

讓此時的我,感到那樣的失落 I'm the one who's feeling lost right now ,

你要我忘掉你說過的每一件事, now you want me to forget every little thing you said

但有些事在我腦海中縈繞不去 But there is something left in my head

我怎能忘記你吻我的方式, ** I won't forget the way you're kissing ,

這感覺是如此的強烈且如此的長久 the feeling's so strong were lasting for so long

然我不是你心中想念的那個人 But I'm not the man your heart is missing

我知道這就是你離去的原因 that why you go away I know

不論我多努力,確無法令你滿意, You were never satisfied no matter how I tried ,

如今你終於要離我而去 now you wanna say goodbye to me

愛情就像一個我該忘記的幻影, Love is one big illusion I should try to forget

但有些事在我腦海中縈繞不去 but there is something left in my head **

我怎能忘記你吻我的方式, ** I won't forget the way you're kissing ,

這感覺是如此的強烈且如此的長久 the feeling's so strong were lasting for so long

然我不是你心中想念的那個人 But I'm not the man your heart is missing

我知道這就是你離去的原因 that why you go away I know

我獨自一人坐在這裡, Sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere

不知究竟該往那裡去? don't know which way to go

我們之間已無話可說, There ain't so much to say now between us

我再也沒有什麼可以給你, there ain't so much for you

我已經永遠失去了你..... There ain't so much for me anymore

 That's Why (You Go Away)

 

瀏覽次數:107    人氣指數:1307    累積鼓勵:60
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
『 彼此適不適合很重要.. 』 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 『 心 如 刀 割 .. 』
時間:2011-04-16 10:55
她, 58歲,新北市,流通/零售
