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 洛城熟眉 的日記本
Frances Ha紐約哈哈哈 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 蛻變
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篇名: Age of Adaline
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2015.12.21  天氣:  心情:

It s hard to say a film is good or bad; too simple of a distinction
However if a film induces me to think, I d say that it has merits

Age of Adaline is about love, loss, and the bravery in accepting it and letting go
What price to pay to be forever young if you are the only one?

The circumstance makes Adaline an old soul trapped in a young body
She isn t Dorian Grey, in love with invincibility and the power that comes with it
She was a normal person trapped in an amber, unable to get out
She must have gone thru a lot of struggle to come into some peace in being unattached and a normad
She must have enough times letting go
She stays the same but nothing else does, people and things both

In 2014 she dresses in a classy and slightly old fashioned way
She moves with alertness but no nervousness
She seems self contained
The only person, her daughter, who knows who she is is going to go (as in death) soon
Like letting go her series of King Charles Spaniels, Adeline is doomed to be truly alone, forming no attachment and no long lasting connection

Ellis senses her agelessness by instinct, as if sniffing a finely aged scotch

Adaline, too
Because Ellis is also a sort of an old soul
Physical beauty is not the only hook that s enough to catch eye

What makes a person attractive often is felt at first, not tangible and may remain intangible
It s also not tic for tac, what I have in exchange for what you have

Ellis is brave to go after what he wants
Adelin e, too
And her decision eventually makes it possible for her to become normal again

To some Adeline should be the perfect package; being at the height of beauty but also mature and knowing without rancor and bitterness

The above came into my mind while watching the film
I am not looking for the moral in every story, just slices of humanity

The tangibles:

I think the actors did a good job
The guy who played young William Jones (Harrison Ford) not only looks like him but also has his speaking voice (Mr. Ford has a highly recognizable voice) and lopsided grin (probably acting); astonishing

There are many pretty actresses in the right age range to physically portray Adaline
I think Blake Lively was a sound choice here
She shows an innate vulnerability about Adaline
It was as if Adaline s strength isn t self generated but forged by life
Without the event she would have led a conventional life; a young widow meeting a new man and be a wife and mother again

Most actors can t erase all self to play a character
There s always something based on the person within that comes out
Some actors are said to always play a variation of themselves for this reason

Blake Lively is a conventional sort of girl thus ideal to get under the skin of Adaline
The forged inner beauty, the wisdom gained from a long life, and the real life struggle
She did a good job at showing these in her facial expression, mannerism, and in her eyes

I like how Adaline discovered her circumstance reversal
She must have been sensitive to her unchanged state to spot that white hair (change) in a passing glance

It s astonishing that she suffers no dislocated joints or broken bones after the second car accident
This is harder to believe than the explanation for her agelessness and the reversal of it.
瀏覽次數:153    人氣指數:753    累積鼓勵:30
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Frances Ha紐約哈哈哈 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 蛻變
時間:2015-12-25 17:34
Released in April, 2015. Relatively new. [=D]
The thing is, I had flown long distance 3 times since April but somehow missed watching it during flight. I must haven t taken notice of the film before. But now I have, after reading your journal. [:P]
時間:2015-12-21 17:23
A new movie... No wonder I haven t heard it before.
Just watched its trailer on YouTube.
I ll definitely pay attention when they show the film here.
