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篇名: Random Lately
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2016.04.11  天氣:  心情:

1. Gymnastics rings are freaking hard! My respect for Jolene Tsai (蔡依林) is much higher now whenever I watch the clip of her doing the rings several stories high during her concert performance, knowing the degree of difficulty and fitness required. Not only rings, pummel horse, aerial silk, and pole all require ab of steel and upper body strength to hold up the entire body weight. Jolene is flexible, too, doing a beautiful needle (vertical leg split).

2. Loving my new tumbling mat but the fear is still overwhelming without a coach. I don t trust my arms and shoulders yet to not let the rolls land on my neck. Really looking forward to the day that i can fearlessly do forward and back rolls with full range of motion and consistency

3. I found this concept called Convict Conditioning, a set of workout using only bodyweight. The Big Six it wants to achieve is what I want to achieve, too (pushup, pullup, bridge, squat, handstand, L-sit). The guy starts everyone from the very basic, which is great. He explains why, how, and what in detail so that we know how to get there and why we should get there. These everyone can do any time anywhere (except pullup where a bar is needed).

4. I may have osteoarthritis in my right hamstring area where Sciatica used to plague me. No matter what i do i can not stretch it nor get rid off the tingling tightness. My coworker said it could be the sign of it in the tendon (not muscle tightness). Well, age is a reality. I may have to learn to ignore the sensation when weight is placed on the right hamstring.

5. I like the feeling of getting stronger. The more I study bodyweight conditioning the more I realize how important it is to have a solid core. All the activities I enjoy doing require a core of steel. Well, it can be achieved. Everyone can get a core of steel by doing the right workout and eating smart.
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