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 DUKE β LEE ₪ 的日記本
但是绝对不会开口的60件事情 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 本周話題,愛情,親情,
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篇名: My name is Duke
作者: DUKE β LEE ₪ 日期: 2011.06.05  天氣:  心情:

My personal statement XD..           

My name is Chung-Che Lee. Duke is my English name. I come from Taiwan. I am 18 years old, studying at Bellerbys College. I come from a very happy middle class family. My father has a business which is an old people's home and my mother has another business, which is is a kind of psychiatric hospital. I am not the so-called spoiled child. My parents make very sure of that by training me to be independent. I have a brother and a sister and a sister in-law as well, all older than me, and also two nephews.

Throughout my school years I have been very active on the sports field and have been involved in various societies. I play football and basketball and enjoy the team spirit we have. I really enjoy participating in school activities. I have not only made many friends, but also gained many different valuable experiences. I have been in England for about two years for studying and I now study at Bellerbys College on the Business Foundation Programme. Last year I was studying on a GCSE course at Sherborne School, and I also studied A-levels for a year in Taiwan. The school there was a night school, so I worked during the day and studied in the evening. Once I realised that English is the key language for both business and study, I came to England to improve my English and to study a number of subjects at GCSE level.

My interest in English has brought me to the world of English literature. I have been enchanted by this creative world and I would like to broaden my knowledge of this area. Besides English literature, I also have a wide range of hobbies. I love reading, writing, music and movies. I have my active side as well and I enjoy swimming, hiking, travel and being in the countryside, all of which I believe provide balance in our lives. As to my personality, I am creative, optimistic, determined and willing to help others.

My goal is to be a successful businessman. For this reason, I am studying Business and Economics now and I would like to study Business or International Business at university.

by duke lee
瀏覽次數:109    人氣指數:509    累積鼓勵:20
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
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但是绝对不会开口的60件事情 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 本周話題,愛情,親情,
時間:2011-06-05 14:11
她, 37歲,高雄市,法律相關行業
