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 toughlady 的日記本
Divorce 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Cherish
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篇名: Cool
作者: toughlady 日期: 2020.07.09  天氣:  心情:
Being cool does not make you a snooty, arrogant, unruly and narcissistic fool 
Cool does not give you the right to be fake and bad either 
They have their own style. They don t do things merely to attract followers and they do
what they feel is right
Cool people do not follow blindly without first considering all aspects of a matter
They are prudent, careful on how they treat others....
Cool people adhere to what is legally and morally correct and still be able to make an
impact on their fellow companions in a nice way
Most importantly, faking is not their way of carrying themselves around
They will be their natural selves at all time
Being cool = Love being yourself
瀏覽次數:205    人氣指數:805    累積鼓勵:30
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