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 toughlady 的日記本
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篇名: Cherish
作者: toughlady 日期: 2020.07.10  天氣:  心情:
It is often very hard to decide to cherish the life that we are living when we are facing difficult things
I realized that making the decision to cherish the love and the life we live has made all the difference in
my attitude and reaction to my life s experiences  
We do need to cherish the life we live, even the things that are hard to do, has this happened to you? 
Sometimes, it s easy to forget just how fragile life is. One moment we re here, and the next, we re only a memory, that s why it s essential to cherish your life  
We can never know for sure what the future has in store for us. But that s the beauty of life and it s the most unpredictable thing in the world
The best thing you can do is to cherish life and live every day as if it s your last....
瀏覽次數:223    人氣指數:763    累積鼓勵:27
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