檔案狀態:    住戶編號:4953554
 BOokHsu 的日記本
c'est BOok. 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 回來,著重的點"自偶"。
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篇名: ENjoy mOst
作者: BOokHsu 日期: 2014.06.08  天氣:  心情:
First sight, I guessed that little girl has no feeling of everything in deep water. She seems to be free with smiles, up and down, using her soft waist, free and powerful limbs across the long pool channel. I can t recognize whether it s freestyle or butterfly, she looks like seven or eight years old, or even younger. I thought she s damn cute, but I did not see her parents or any adults that went with that girl. It was thirty-six degrees outside the swimming pool. Thought it nice to feel so free in the pool and see that sweet girl, singing near poolside.

Say "it is the swimming I enjoy most" and it is the only sport thing that can t hurt me. aha ~~" I saw someone walking in a slow-pathed on the jogging machine when I was in the steam room . OMG ... I, I really miss it so much!! Bless me recover someday, please. And I tried hard not to think about it, even though I can t control very well. Hmmm ... anyway, FRee, that s the feeling I ve enjoyed so deeply.
瀏覽次數:53    人氣指數:453    累積鼓勵:20
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c'est BOok. 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 回來,著重的點"自偶"。