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 mika 的日記本
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篇名: cigarettes
作者: mika 日期: 2014.07.03  天氣:  心情:
Now tell me what it is, it isn t fair
Cause I m wasting time, but it isn t my heart
It isn t my fault.
And every situation understands, well
The anecdote of chasing the location to your door,
Yeah yeah? da da?

Cause I m wasting time, now I m wasting money again
And all the cigarettes that I have never smoked.
And all the letters that I have never sent, da da?

And he was sitting by the swimming pool
But he was scared, cause it wasn t his time, it wasn t his chance.
Getting olders not been on my plans
But it s never late, it s never late enough for me to stay, da da?

Cause I m wasting time, now I m wasting money again
And all the cigarettes that I have never smoked.
And all the letters that I have never sent, da da?
瀏覽次數:387    人氣指數:4027    累積鼓勵:182
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時間:2015-01-28 21:00
他, 52歲,新北市,其他
時間:2014-11-15 21:19
他, 35歲,油尖旺區,法律相關行業
