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 Sylph中打不行 的日記本
Scooter 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Icy bridge
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篇名: Northern Light
作者: Sylph中打不行 日期: 2011.09.10  天氣:  心情:
I went up north to Fort Mcmurray for 6 days vacation. Most people told me it is the worse part of Canada that you can go for a vacation but I loved it. My friend drove north toward oilsand area and we saw nice green northern lights. I would sit there for hours and hours just to look at the sky, but my friend said there are bears that will just tear the car apart. Fort Mcmurray is a pretty cool place with lots of rich lonely people. It is not fun to live there since it only has 2 hours of sun in the winter, but they can get almost all day of sun in the summer.
瀏覽次數:917    人氣指數:9117    累積鼓勵:410
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Scooter 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Icy bridge
時間:2020-12-07 20:42
他, 47歲,Callao,金融保險
時間:2012-04-03 16:26
他, 68歲,Vancouver,其他
時間:2012-02-18 11:31
他, 42歲,高雄市,政府機關
時間:2012-02-11 20:03
他, 57歲,Vancouver,教育研究
時間:2011-10-22 20:38
他, 46歲,亞洲其他,行銷
時間:2011-10-10 08:09
他, 77歲,高雄市,其他
時間:2011-10-09 12:11
他, 46歲,亞洲其他,行銷
時間:2011-10-04 05:41
他, 40歲,British Columbia,醫療
時間:2011-10-03 12:51
他, 40歲,British Columbia,醫療
時間:2011-10-03 12:51
他, 40歲,British Columbia,醫療

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