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 kate 的日記本
我被"黑"了 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Daddy's girl?
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篇名: Buy phone
作者: kate 日期: 2012.11.03  天氣:  心情:
I am considering to buy a new mobile phone. My old one does not support the functions of surfing Internet, installing APPs, ...etc. In other words, it s a high-blooded phone only used for telecommunication but I am satisfied with the "traditional functions" it provides. With the upcoming Iphone5, I am pretty impressive of its extremely simplified and modern appearance, although I m not the person who tends to have a crash on high-tech devices especially when it costs.
Should I buy a smartphone to replace the high-blooded phone which I have used for years? I have been stuck in such a dilemma!
瀏覽次數:707    人氣指數:9727    累積鼓勵:451
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我被"黑"了 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Daddy's girl?
時間:2013-01-03 03:05
他, 50歲,台北市,製造/供應商
時間:2012-11-25 01:45
他, 39歲,台北市,資訊
時間:2012-11-09 23:04
他, 50歲,高雄市,醫療
時間:2012-11-08 15:51
他, 50歲,高雄市,醫療
時間:2012-11-07 21:29
他, 50歲,台北市,其他
時間:2012-11-05 13:12
他, 51歲,新北市,資訊
時間:2012-11-04 17:59
他, 45歲,台北市,建築營造
時間:2012-11-04 13:57
他, 47歲,New South Wales,醫療
時間:2012-11-04 09:50
他, 38歲,新北市,服務
時間:2012-11-04 01:53
她, 39歲,雲林縣,藝術

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