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篇名: Upset
作者: toughlady 日期: 2020.07.28  天氣:  心情:

What s Up ( by Pink ) 

If you re feeling upset, try distracting yourself with a counting or breathing exercise
When you feel like you re about to cry, count to 10 in your head to take your mind off it
Or, instead of counting, breathe deeply and focus on the sensation of breathing
If you re able to leave the situation, take a short walk, this will help distract you from
feeling sad and you ll soon feel better
Exercise in general is a great way to improve your mood, since your body releases endorphins 
when you move
Try going for a jog, hitting the gym, or doing some push-up, alternatively, listen to your
favorite soothing music to make yourself feel calm and less upset
However, you can choose how you behave and react to these challenges

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