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 BOokHsu 的日記本
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篇名: Reach the Goal.
作者: BOokHsu 日期: 2014.03.13  天氣:  心情:
Long long time ago, these words written on a job offer. But, I only worked there for one month. For China Market, I only need to speak Mandarin. I guess the business trip would be starting the next next week. OMG ~~" I have to say I m lazy to fly and drink for business.

Reach the Goal of Win-Win!!
Well, The following article is a kind of PAper TESt for my job interview!! Have you ever done this be4? NO matter you can write in English or not, the key here is abt THINKING. No wonder what I m talking here, it s JUst an idea & creation. Clear thought of the topic and keep the mind in a way of logic. That s all abt TOUCH, and Nothing MORE. ^^

Drive Buyers To Website & Reach A True Win-Win!!

LCM, an online provider of machinery catalogues and videos, has significantly increased awareness of the buyer s brand through the use of keyword seach engines and online video databases. The promotional campaign will run during October and December of 2005, as a keyword buy on LCM web. It is a prime example of the branding power of online advertising. The buyer joining this promotional campaign will have an opportunity to win a prize worthy of $3.5 MILLION. Using Machinery Index to measure the branding value of the buyer, LCM says that this campaign will lift aided awareness of the Buyer s brand by 30%.

Unique Function - Intiactivity
In the 21st century, images combined with texts are popular to evoke certain feeling of people. Especially on the web, it includes not only animation pictures and texts but voices to impress the browser s experiences. This can be said a form of communication channel, such as TV commercials which the marketer uses to sell products and services. "Interactivity" is the unique feature which distinguishes traditional media (TV, Print & Radio) from high-tech media (Mobile, Internet, PDA). In addition, the development of interactive technology makes the lives of marketers and buyers more creative, more convenience and more colorful.

Elememts of Interactive Images
The element of interactive images on the web includes fresh pictures, voices, texts and more important, interactive functional bottoms. In terms of marketing, the vital key to produce a wonderful work is to catch what customers need and their buying behaviors. The simple way is to consider convenience, communication and information that website frameworks and profiles display on the net. That is to say, "Convenience" - customers can easily use this platform for business; "Communication" - stands for professional and intimate services; and all of these should focus on the most related information that customers want with it.

Reach A Win-Win
As for how to integrate marketing tools, it still highlights the need of customers. That means the deeper understanding of products and services that customers market, who is the buyer, as well as what the buyer looks for. Experience accumulation, and information search and analysis would be helpful to conduct the real campaign project on time and target at the need of customers. Therefore, integrated marketing communication and strategies take changing buyer behaviors and customers need into consideration at first in order to reach a win-win!!

JUst BOok ^^
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