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 wayne 的日記本
2008/04/23的日記 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 2008/04/26的日記
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篇名: 2008/04/25的日記
作者: wayne 日期: 2008.04.25  天氣:  心情:
%%- Had a bad day. Need to hear some compliments. Any compliments. %%- Galaxies collide. When that happens to us earth people...well, we won't be here for it to happen. We'd have traveled to another planet in another galaxie already. %%- Israel's UN ambassodor called Carter a bigot. Of the two of them there's no doubt in my mind who's the real Big bigot. He said Carter has now got bloody hands because he shook hands with Hamas leader. God, who's been killing Plastinians and trying to wipe Plastine off the map? The guy's hands are full of Plastinians' blood and according to their own idiotic logic: he's anti-Carter, so he's anti-America. %%- 妳說得對 彎腰...再彎腰 %%- 急著做喜歡的事叫興奮 急著做重要的事叫緊張 沒完沒了的事叫壓力 沒法完成的事叫焦慮 毫無盼望叫憂鬱 高歌一曲叫解悶 大笑三聲叫高興 腰纏萬貫叫快樂
瀏覽次數:68    人氣指數:68    累積鼓勵:0
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2008/04/23的日記 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 2008/04/26的日記