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一個像夏天一個像秋天 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 沒vip超過一個月了!
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篇名: 恆常且規律
作者: 新月 日期: 2013.02.20  天氣:  心情:
When I was a teacher in a junior high school a few years ago,

I got 55 classes a week. At that time, I felt I was exhausted for overtime working.

But one day, I went back to the cram school I had used to go to and visited my Chemistry teacher there.

He said he got approximately 70 classes a week!

"How can one really take a status like this for over twenty years? Wow!"

I exclaimed.

He said with a mysterious grin,

"It's not hard to make a fortune like I do,

but it's hard to work constantly and consistently as I do.

However, it's even harder to maintain a wonderful marriage,

family life, and good health at the same time.

You need exercises, determinations, communication skills,

good lucks, and a thoughtful soul partner."

This amount of money might not be the goal for everyone,

but trust me, a wonderful life takes all the aspects I mentioned above!"

I really learned a lesson that day.
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一個像夏天一個像秋天 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 沒vip超過一個月了!