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篇名: What is love?
作者: Rudi,non-vip 日期: 2011.03.12  天氣:  心情:
What is love?

According to the definitions in different dictionaries, it looks like this:

Longman: have a strong feeling of caring for and liking someone combined with sexual attraction.

Oxford: warm, kind feeling; fondness; affectionate and tender devotion.

My cell phone: adore, affection, fondle.

Still, there is no complete and clear explanation or description to this greatest emotion that human can have and which makes human different from common animals.
Some examples will show what love real means:

“I love you son!” a dad talked to his son. He really means that he is proud of his son maybe because the young guy has done something right or the father put his hope on the son and tried to tell him to go for it with this expression.

“I love you mom!” a daughter spoke out to her mother. Actually she was trying to say “thank you mom for everything you did for me even when I ignored it.”

“I love you class” a teacher talked to his students after he knew that they have done a very good job in some important test or assignment.

“I love you dude. You have helped me a lot” a guy talked to his best friend after the friend helped him when he got big problem. He really wanted to say “thank you very much for your help.”

“I love you world” a happy man talked to the sky because he found a sunny day after 100 raining ones.

“I love you Irene” a boy talked to his girl friend, or at least he thought Irene is his girl friend. He is trying to tell her that he will do anything only for her. He will give up everything only for her as long as Irene can understand his mind and tried to accept his love.

All these examples told us only one thing that the principle understanding can be varied but it can also be taken as one concept that love is another way of saying “thank you.“
瀏覽次數:180    人氣指數:1180    累積鼓勵:50
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時間:2011-03-13 08:59
她, 43歲,台中市,政府機關
時間:2011-03-12 20:19
她, 56歲,台北市,家管
