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 似水 水中月 的日記本
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篇名: If Came The Hou
作者: 似水 水中月 日期: 2014.12.13  天氣:  心情:
好聽情歌分享 "If came the hour" (River 中譯)

If Came The Hour – Secret Garden
那一刻的到來 – 秘密花園

If came the hour, 那一刻
if came the day, 那一天
If came the year, 那一年
when you went away; 當妳離開時
How could I live, 我怎能獨生
I'd surely die, 只有死
What would life be 當妳說『再見』時
if you said 'goodbye'? 我生不如死去

How would I laugh, 我將沒有歡樂
how could I love, 我無人可愛
Could I believe 舉頭神明
in a God above? 可信嗎
How would I hope, 我將賴什活著
how could I pray, 我又將向誰祈禱
If came the hour, 如果此刻來臨
if came the day, 如果這一天到來

But you are here, 慶幸有妳在
lying beside me, 躺我身邊
I watch you breathe, 聽見妳的呼吸
each rise and fall, 日復一日
Without you near 沒有妳在身邊
then there would be, 我的人生
Nothing at all. 永遠黑白

If ,in this world , 如果 有這麼一天
all things must pass, 一切都消逝
And we must raise 我們
the parting glass, 可以重新再來
No words would ever come 無言勝有言
what could I say, 我將無悔

If came the hour, 如果此刻來臨
if came the day? 這一天的到來
There'd be no music in my soul, 我靈魂中沒有歌聲
How could I dance 我又如何伴舞
no you to hold? 沒有了妳在身邊
How could I hear the violin? 我生命中再也沒有提琴聲
There'd be no song 沒有一首歌
I could ever sing. 讓我吟唱

But you are here, 慶幸有妳在
lying beside me, 躺我身邊
I watch you breathe, 聽見妳的呼吸
each rise and fall, 日復一日
Without you near 沒有妳在身邊
then there would be, 我的人生
Nothing at all. 永遠黑白

Now you awake, 現在妳醒了
the dawn sweeps in, 曙光一現
I touch your mouth, 輕觸妳唇
I touch your skin, 擁妳入懷

How would I live, 我豈能活著
if you should go away, 如果妳又離我而去
If came the hour, 如果此刻來臨
if came the day? 這一天的到來

How would I live, 我豈能活著
if you should go away, 如果妳又離我而去
If came the hour, 如果此刻來臨
if came the day? 這一天的到來
瀏覽次數:52    人氣指數:452    累積鼓勵:20
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一盞小燈 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 3141晶宏
時間:2014-12-13 12:34
謝謝! [:D]
