檔案狀態:    住戶編號:2386243
 kate 的日記本
Happy new year. 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 運動運動
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篇名: 總統選舉
作者: kate 日期: 2016.01.04  天氣:  心情:
How do you think about the presidential election in Taiwan?

I want to describe my personal feelings about the presidential election after watching the candidates public debate on TV.

I couldn t trust anyone of them can really carry out their promised policies or social benefits after I have experienced the time governed by either Blue or Green authority.

To in-party, how could I trust you can tackle the problems and difficulties with the same bunch of politicians?

It s ironic that most presidents in my memory were extremely popular when they won the election but turned out a target to blame for degrading our country in the end of their careers. It seems difficult to remain a good reputation for Taiwanese presidents at the end of their duties.

瀏覽次數:566    人氣指數:7506    累積鼓勵:347
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
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Happy new year. 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 運動運動
時間:2016-04-26 04:05
"remain a good reputation" ---> maintain a good reputation
時間:2016-01-05 16:59
他, 51歲,台北市,資訊
時間:2016-01-04 15:40
他, 59歲,California,製造/供應商
