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 DORIS 的日記本
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篇名: Best friendS
作者: DORIS 日期: 2022.02.07  天氣:  心情:

我最好的朋友在 科技和自然領域是我的 拍照手機 與 登山拐杖。

每一個地方 我去走步道或爬山 都會攜帶 吾之 手機

另外 入口處也都放一支天然拐杖來輔助我邁出的每一步

每一次呼吸心跳亦有 手 杖與機好友陪同 登山運動日......

***有一次有一天我忘記帶手機 起先我覺得很輕鬆不需要做任何攝影工作,

然後捶心肝 因為那一天,我失去了拍攝澄湖朝陽與照映湖底雲的最佳機會

那天是大年初一好天好日 湖邊有完整最美之日出 湖底有金光閃閃襯托藍天白雲之變化多端之湖底雲***


想見我忠實的天然山好友。 它的名字可能是竹子 柳杉 或 木頭 之登山拐杖。



(To comply the flick vision most people choose pics to show their works in networld.

My best fried of technology and nature are my crane and camera. Every place that

I went for hiking trail or hill climbing are all put one nature crane to assist

every step i take every breathe i take every exercising day ...

One day I forget to take my cellphone with me then i feel so easy don t need to do

any photography job but in the other hand , i lost the best opportunity for shooting the

most beautiful sunrise of lakeside that day. Pros and conS )

(Once a week every single day i close to nature on hill and meet my old honest friend . It s name might be a bamboo, Japan cedar s, wooden cane. How wonderful when think about those old mountain climbing assistance old friends think about those pleasures of having appointment with them.)
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