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篇名: 道瓊急彈近2萬點, 可惜了..
作者: 魅影 日期: 2017.01.07  天氣:  心情:

Dow Flirts With 20000 but Falls Short
S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite close at fresh highs as wage growth strengthens

道瓊指數急彈近至兩萬點心理大關卻收盤前往下墬, S&P500 與 Nasdaq 因薪資成長加強了混合指數也接近新高點.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average came closer than ever before to 20000 on Friday, rising to within one point of the milestone before shying away late in the session.
Stocks got off to a shaky start, with the blue-chip index down 0.3% a few minutes after the opening bell. But as investors assessed the latest jobs data, shares climbed and the Dow reached 19999.63 at 12:43 p.m. EST, their highest level ever.

週五道瓊平均工業指數上升至另一個里程碑, 僅小於一點之差比之前更靠近兩萬大關, 因投資人評估至少就業率與股利分紅攀高下, 道瓊指在中午 12:43 時達到之前從沒有的最高點 19999.63 但在藍籌股指數開盤下跌0.3%幾分鐘後, 道瓊開始搖搖欲墜的拋售而在收盤前退縮了.
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