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 etch 的日記本
我的曖昧 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 不速之客
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: Understand 明白
作者: etch 日期: 2020.01.17  天氣:  心情:
George Michael 有首被低估的作品,叫 “Understand”(明白)歌詞內容敘述一個男人如何認識女人的過程,從走到女人面前要電話的那一刻開始,改變了許多未來的故事。 年輕時候的我們,常覺得無所不能,也必須贏。但在愛情之後,仍必須追逐經濟上的實踐才能生存。 男人在挫折之餘,對神吶喊著為何聽不見他需求?所有男人曾經對女人的承諾,似乎都無法實現,無論男人如何努力.....男人接著對女人說,『我希望妳能明白,這一切並不是我所期待計畫的結果』。只有神知道男人的夢想是達成還是失去,不論如何男人努力嘗試著。

但直到此刻,女人啊仍然緊握著男人的手,女人在男人身旁的每一天,是如此清澈明瞭,男人領悟到其實神一點都沒有生氣。 因為女人一直在男人身邊沒有離開。 最後男人唱著相信有一個理想的地方,大家都會好好的。

George 唱得絲絲入扣,很溫柔地替許多男人解釋了許多說不出口的心情吧!

隨著年紀和經驗的增長,讓我越來越能體會這首詞的意境。 不論過去情感的結果,在心中漸漸放下怨懟,願意為對方保留當時相愛的初衷,回到最開始動心的那刻就足夠了。 放下,才能繼續往前走~

Woman, don't you ever wonder
Where you'd be if I just walked on by
What's your name?
Can I take your number?
Darling come with me
I'm going to change your life

When you're young you think you're winning
Why worry till the babies cry?
I was wrong; it's the blues we're singing
Chasing after pennies just to survive.

And there's no way the gods are hearing me baby
They don't even try
They don't even try
And all the things I said I'd give you
Just seem to pass me by
No matter how I try

I hope you understand
This is not what I had planned for us
God only knows if my dreams are coming or gone
(Are coming or gone)

But you're still holding my hand
Sweetheart (sweetheart)
And for every single day you're here
It's crystal clear
That God isn't mad at me at all
He ain't mad at me at all

And all this praying hard ain't gonna save the day
Maybe that's really what I'm guilty of
I know we live in times when love is not enough
It's not enough
(no no no no no)

And there's no way the gods are hearing me
Baby, they don't even try
They don't even try
And all the things I said I'd give you
Just seem to pass me by
(No matter how I try)

I hope you understand
This is not what I had planned for us
Heaven only knows if our dreams are coming or gone
(Coming or gone, coming or gone)

But you're still holding my hand
Sweetheart (Sweetheart)
So for every single day that you're here
It's crystal clear
That God isn't mad at me at all
He ain't mad at me at all

There's a place in my mind
Somewhere we could be fine
Where the children would play
And we'd eat like kings every day
瀏覽次數:307    人氣指數:3367    累積鼓勵:153
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
我的曖昧 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 不速之客
時間:2020-01-21 07:54
他, 52歲,新北市,其他
時間:2020-01-20 17:52
他, 52歲,新北市,其他
時間:2020-01-20 01:33
他, 58歲,台北市,資訊
時間:2020-01-19 14:27
他, 52歲,新北市,其他
時間:2020-01-18 19:54
他, 52歲,新北市,其他
時間:2020-01-18 11:04
他, 52歲,新北市,其他
時間:2020-01-18 10:53
他, 52歲,新北市,其他
時間:2020-01-18 08:54
他, 43歲,台中市,經商
時間:2020-01-17 21:35
他, 52歲,新北市,其他
