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 和平 的日記本
Still learning 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 有,去了二横是?冇
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篇名: Father-son talk
作者: 和平 日期: 2020.07.04  天氣:  心情:
Q: Hey dad,when did you come to America and what made you to stay in the US?
A:    Well, that's a good question. it was 8 years ago before you were born 29 years ago. Taiwan had become one of the 4 little dragons in Asia. However, America was so much ahead of the whole world at the time. 

I arrived here at the end of June, so, within a few days our church had a retreat at the LA's northeastern mountain, the Lake Arrowhead.
Along the freeway were the beautiful flower bushes in pink, white, and red. And of course better than the freeway in Taiwan at the time. Upon our arrival at the church selection cabin under the very handsome and tall trees were the small animals jumping around and flying doves landing with no hindrance of running away from people. That was an amazing for a guy from Taipei at the time. Many people and animals stay peace with one another instead of chasing or throwing stones at them. Peace was the word to describe that first day at the mountain. 


The next morning was nice breeze along with beautiful sunshine in the early morning at the church gathering. The afternoon someone suggested to visit a supermarket since need to buy a few items. 

Of course the friends at the church would not miss the opportunity to visit the Lake. What I saw really made me to stay at the US. The lake was absolutely clean and I could see the bottom of it. 清可见底的箭头湖 The other good reason was the seedless grapes that were so sweet and extremely inexpensive. 

Q: Dad, did you ever regret of coming to the US?
A: No and yes to your question. No because that I do love America. Yes, because your mom is a loving, respectable, compassionate, and wonderful woman. She and I became separated and ended up in a divorce that she and I both did not want. Yet, that was the total consequence and interaction of all the in-law situation. Therefore, do not ever neglect any outside influence. Therefore, a simple advice to you: Never divorce your wife despite outside influence including the in-laws. From the in-side, you need to love each other and build a healthy family to honor God. 

(Google的直接翻译,95% 准确率)


我于6月底到达这里,因此,几天之内,我们的教堂在洛杉矶东北山箭头湖(Lake Arrowhead)撤退了。



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