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 新月 的日記本
Amazing, simple 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 當藝術家相遇
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篇名: 樂樂
作者: 新月 日期: 2013.05.07  天氣:  心情:
I found her in the park near my house. She was bleeding for one of her back leg was bitten off.

Fleas and dirt covered all over her skin. That’s right, her skin, not her fur. The instant she saw me,

she shuffled to me, with very weak meowing sounds. From her attitude and behaviour, I thought she

must be a home pet before.

Out of sympathy, I took her to the veterinarian. The vet found that she was only 23 months old

then. After a blood analysis, she was proved to contract felidae acquired immuno deficency syndrome.

Though it’s not as fatal (but still incurable) as human AIDS, she can never have baby hereafter, and

she cannot live with any other healthy felidae animals. This disease prevents her from playing with pal

of her same kind.

Unfortunately, none of my friends can take care of her. Hence, she becomes one of my family

member. Her name is “Happy.” I hope that she can be happy for the rest of her life.



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